Thursday 13 July 2017

First Step

Decision Made,

Today I wake up with my body aching, I thought I would die so much pain around my stomach. I had to stay at home and called sick to my job, so suddenly I realized what was really wrong with me. It isn't my tummy or intestine whose needs treatment, but my mind or soul if prefer.
 I come up to a reason why my body was adverting me so much? What could be possibly so wrong? My diet is balanced, my finance is stable my body is in a good shape really, so what?? 
Then I discovered the truth, for about three years I am postpone something very important, myself. The voice of my body was given the pain so I could stop and think.
I was so afraid to face the challenge that I diced to ignore it,  pretending it could be good without it. Wisely, my body spoke in simple language 'look, is time, wake up, you can do it'.
I currently working as a cover supervisor, it is not bad at all, but I am a teacher, or at least I have the certification from Brazil. I am about to go through QTS route in Uk, but I am so scared to fail.
Despite this,  my sense of fear has changed, still scared but now I want to face it, God help.
I will tell you my journey and all the tests and challenges that I have to face to become a 'real teacher' not for money or recognition, but for building on myself the spirit of a good leader, a good master that I want to be.