Friday 21 November 2014


 I had been trying to finish my drive license since 2010, with no results.  Lack of money, scare, panic, etc, etc ...I passed my theory test twice because the first one has expired, end of story, guess what?! I passed, yes I did it in my first attempted, yes for four years I was scared, can't even try to pass my test drive, but I set my mind  and focus on my test certificate and its takes me only 22 days to finish it ... Amazing, lets wait to another two wishes to be completed ...

Monday 20 October 2014

Cheer up!!! it is the Secret...

Four days after my experience over the secret, I have to confess that is not easy to set your mind to your goals. No much time to think about it. The only thing that is really changing in my life is my way to see the life. I feel 50% happier than I was before I start to try to exercise my mind to a positive feeling. This is huge, for now I will leave the Universe conspire in my favour.  

Everyday I write a cheque in my name (fifty thousand pound only) up to now I made 7 cheques, all deposited in my box so-called "Universe". I also draw plans and put in the box, always writing in present tense. 

I am sure, I will accomplish my goals.    

Thursday 16 October 2014

My three wishes for the Genius

 I had carefully think about my wishes, trying to be reasonable and unreasonable also. Lets see how its works.
My wishes are:

  1.  Pass on my test drive on the beginning of  November.
  2. Get a permanent position as a teacher by the start of the next term.
  3. Receive a cheque book of  fifty thousand pound in 30 days. 
By the logical of the Secret followers, there is three steps that I have to set up.
  1. Make a wish, or ask to the Universe, but this have to be by picturing the wishes, because the Universe do not understand words but thoughts.  
  2. The response. This is nothing to deal with me, this is the Universe job to find out the way to make my dreams come true.
  3. Receiving. That one is the key, this is not that simple, to receive from the universe I have to be on the same vibration of my desire. To be in the same vibration, I have to act like I already have my intentions in my real life. 
There is a trick to get my goals very fast, and I will tell you. When you get something that you are looking for for years you feel very good don't you?   The trick is: think about something remarkable in your life. Something that makes you feel very happy, very good, fulfilled. Remind every step, feel every smell, every sensation, than, when you feel that happiness in your body transfer that feeling to your knew goal, think, imagine, picture yourself in your dream day.

Lets check it, like all the big genius in the History, test it by hundreds and millions times, one time you will get it right. 

About Me

My name is Ana Bendig,

 Welcome to my space where I will share with you my wishes and receives from the endless catalogue of the Universe.
I am a Brazilian girl from birth and adopted by the United Kingdom by the heart. I am teacher, I was a teacher in Brazil and I came to England to work as an operative in a Fruit Factory in 2007. I had no English skills at all, I could barely understand the word “hi”.  Since I put my feet in this Country I wished to be a teacher here. Its sound stupid and it was, I heard many sarcastic laughs around me,  but guess what? I did, I learned the language; I made a Master Degree in History, and know I am covering lessons around the Yorkshire and it is amazing. Yes I did!!! And by that time I didn't know a thing about the Secret. What is the Secret? The law of attraction right?

Yes, they did mention many greats characters of the Human History on their book and videos, those memorable people supposed to knowing about the Secret, and one thing that really call my attention  was exactly the reason that  I always have been positive on my goals no matter the circumstances; and always tried to visualized them.  My studies about Plato and about others many leaders in a Human History, included Jesus Christ, they show me the way, the positive thoughts, the energies, the world of ideas and the world of material. So let's having fun, and put the secret on test. I do believe in the Law of attraction, I really do, but I never really tried in that way they show in their video. So from today I will set up three goals that I really want by the heart, visualize them positively, be gratefully about everything I already have, and feel myself like I already have my wishes materialized.